Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Keswick Theater’s Toying With Science

Garry Krinsky played to a packed house on Monday morning at the Keswick Theater, and it’s fair to say that most of the 3rd through 5th graders in the audience got their share of “play” in as well.  Toying with Science is a colorful and energetic ride through some basic principles of science – some not so basic.  As a college graduate, I felt stumped by some of the questions asked by our host that some of the kids were able to readily answer.  When Sokhum, 12, told me that one of the new things that he was so excited to learn from Krinsky’s performance was what a fulcrum does, I thought, “…me too.”

A professional juggler by trade, in front of this wide eyed and attentive crowd, Krinsky became an experimental scientist. He walked us through the principles of balance, gravity, air resistance, and the elements of all sorts of simple machines with a thoughtful acronym that I heard kids rapping when the show ended.  “Don’t SLIP on the two W’s.”

A fun and educational field trip indeed, and one that has likely encouraged some students at Logan Hope to keep requests for more coming to teacher Lia Blankenship.  Others were just as excited to build their already-existing repertoire of learning experiences outside of the classroom.  Somy, 11, proudly recalled her last field trip to me, where performers created a fun show based on the alphabet, “…and I’ve seen plays before,” Emily, 11, added enthusiastically.  Thanks to the school staff, our Arts Partners, and Art-Reach, seems like “Edu-tainment” is a term that is being introduced to this crowd pretty early on.  That too was a term that I was excited to learn.

-by Brooke Whitaker


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